Speak Faith To Your Mountain

What is the biggest mountain you have ever seen? Or maybe even climbed? There are so many beautiful mountains, to name just

Speak Faith To Your Mountain2021-06-30T11:18:48-04:00

The Sheep Have Teeth

“I am in the midst of lions; I am forced to dwell among man-eating beasts, whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose

The Sheep Have Teeth2017-05-16T20:38:13-04:00

Abiding in the Vine

Nobody thrives on rotten fruit. I used to think thriving as a Christian meant to behave in such a way that I'm

Abiding in the Vine2017-03-09T12:10:40-05:00

Dealing With Doubt

When my kids were young they liked to ask a lot of questions. This was especially true of my daughter. After asking

Dealing With Doubt2017-03-02T03:46:47-05:00
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