I’m Laura, and I’d love to help you get plugged into a small group.
It is in small groups where we see the church become family by connecting and creating long-lasting friendships, deepening our walks with God, and providing service to our community together. We have all kinds of small groups here at LifePoint that meet on different days of the week all throughout North Orlando. Please explore the site and if you are interested in signing up for a group you could do so by simply clicking the appropriate button below or email me directly. If there is anything else we can help you with please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
What is a Small Group?
Small groups consist of 6-15 people that gather together on a regular basis typically in someone’s home or at the church campus. At LifePoint, our mission is to be “Focused on Christ and Faithful in the Community” and our small groups are designed to further that mission by deepening our walks with God, connecting with one another and reaching out to our community together.
What does service look like in a small group?
At LifePoint, each small group has the opportunity not only to be focused on Christ, but to be faithful in the community. Groups decide together on an service opportunity, and work together in serving their community. Some examples of service may include visiting an assisted living facility with your group to make crafts with the elderly, serving the homeless, partnering with the sharing center, or helping with service projects to help maintain the church campus. The possibilities are endless! What a blessing these groups are to those they serve.
How do I get involved?
If you’d like to join a small group or have more questions about our small groups, simply send me an email at [email protected] letting us know your needs and we will do our best to help you find a group or create a new one!