MERGE Student Bible Study
TITLE: Even If TOPIC: Change
For better or worse change shows up in our lives and tests what we’re made of. There’s good change like getting the date or making the team, bad change like divorce or medical diagnosis, and complicated change like switching schools or choosing a healthy break-up. Change brings so many emotions which makes us ask all kinds of questions. Am I strong enough to face this? Is it even worth it to go through this? Can I/should I handle this alone? In this series, students will be challenged to rethink how they view change and we’ll explore how God’s commitment to us doesn’t change, even if everything else does.
SEP 26
SCRIPTURE – Hebrews 13:8
BOTTOM LINE – God doesn’t change, even if…
SCRIPTURE – Isaiah 43:2, John 16:33, John 16:7
BOTTOM LINE – God is with you, even if…
OCT 24
SCRIPTURE – Numbers 13:27-28, Numbers 13:33, Numbers 14:7-9
BOTTOM LINE – You can have courage,even if…
NOV 13
SCRIPTURE – James 1:2-4
BOTTOM LINE – You’ll be stronger, even if…